Monday, May 5, 2008

The Cost of Gas

I can't get over what it costs to fill up my tank. I remember when it was $45. Now I'm up to $60. Like most people, I'm looking for ways to save money and ease the pain. One thing I try to do is fill up at the less expensive gas stations. My personal favorite is QT but RaceTrac, Kroger, Costco, and BJs are pretty good too.

You can find cheap gas online at You can put in your work address or home address or another destination and find information on gas prices in the area. This comes in handy if you will be driving to the other side of town. You can figure out if prices are better at the destination and fill up when you get there.

If you have a diesel vehicle, you can experiment with alternative fuel sources. My sister has been using recycled vegetable oil in her truck for about a year now. Its a real savings and better for the environment as well.

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