Thursday, January 10, 2008

Super Tuesday

You can't turn on the tv these days without hearing about the primary elections. Clinton vs Obama or McCain vs Huckabee. There is no stand out candidate that has the nomination in the bag. I think that's why there is so much interest in this election. It can go either way and that inspires people to get involved because, for once, their candidate may really have a chance and politics won't be business as usual.

If you'd like to get involved, you should know a few key dates. The first is the primary election in Georgia on Tuesday, February 5th. If you haven't already registered then it is too late to participate in this election but you can register in time for the big election on November 4th.

Click here if you are not sure where to vote. You can enter your name and birthday and find out where you are registered to vote. If you are unable to get to the polls on February 5th, you can vote absentee by mail. Click here to download an application. Another option is advance voting the week prior to the election. You don't need an application to do this. Just show up at one of the specified locations and place your vote. Click here to find out where you can vote in advance.

I'll see you at the polls on Super Tuesday. I'll be working as an election official. This will be my 3rd time. Its kind of boring but it makes me feel like I'm part of the process.

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